Sunday, May 12, 2013

Nature Speaks by: Heather Ostrowski

My friend Heather Ostrowski posted this story on her Facebook page. I asked her if I could post it to my blog as my Mother’s Day post. Thank you Heather for sharing.

Deer sighted during my Walker Creek tour Feb 2013

A few months ago, I was seeing deer everywhere I went, randomly. My wise friend said that deer represent patience, and SO TRUE, at that moment I was needing to be reminded to be patient, a lot.

Coyote sighting on 40th birthday in Yosemite 2008
Then, a few weeks later, in the same spot I had seen one of the deer, I saw a red fox, run across the street. NO ONE believes me, in Novato, a red fox. The meaning of a red fox is around a wise messenger, happened to be at the time my daughter has ALL SORTS of pre-teen questions! Us moms ARE wise messengers!
Bunny sighting Coast Camp Summer 2009, Camping with Kids
Then today, driving down the SAME ROAD, a wild rabbit HOPS ACROSS THE ROAD, now this is a BUSY STREET... I looked up the meaning, and the one I could associate best with was Spring Celebration of Life. We all get wrapped up in the hub bub of life, and frustrations, and forget to enjoy it!
GOOD REMINDER! So friends, please all remember to celebrate your life TODAY! And look around at what Mother Nature is trying to tell you. (Too much?)
“Look deep into NATURE…
And then YOU will understand everything better” –Albert Einstein

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