Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Alaska Invites Adventure
Climb deep into the forest,
but escape before darkness reigns.
Take just enough water which one requires, the forbidden water is all around you, tempting your dry pallet and thirsty joints.
Don’t be fooled by the trails end,
the forest that has fallen,
it’s beauty and adventure awaits you.
Forage through nature’s challenges and obstacles, as you will be rewarded at the end of your journey.
Don’t listen to the voices of doubt, fear, fatigue, pain.
Listen to the deep woods, the moving water, the unrecognizable sounds of animals,
the songs of birds.
Listen to the footsteps on the damp forest floor, a deep inhalation of new breath, a groan of inner strength to clear a wide step.

Listen to the call of a bear warning, so to not surprise the hairy beast.

Written 7/15/2008 on the airplane ride home from Alaska.

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